Like Eleanor Roosevelt said
"Some people come into our lives and quickly go, while others stay awhile, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same" I think it's true!
And it is, I mean hey think of all the times you’ve met someone new, you have a conversation about stuff (which could range from the smile you’re wearing, the stuff you do, what you like, what you don’t or how you know the person that introduced you). From this conversation you’ll probably laugh, or be confused by the metaphors they use or sarcastic remarks…
(“that is sooooo not me”) but when you walk away, you go home you would have learned something new from that person, you might not really see them again. You might just bump into them on your street or maybe even at another party. Who knows. The point is they would have left a footprint on your heart – small or big because of something they said, because of something inspiring they believe in or just because of the way they may have made you feel.
I can say that in my little life I’ve met a couple of cool people, they may have come into my life to teach me something, maybe because I was destined to learn from them. Maybe it was the opposite way round… Some came in to my life and walked right out, some betrayed me but I forgave, some came init to stay in it… But the thing is no matter what the reason is, they’ve left a footprint, they’ve taught me a lesson, they may have even taught me something new about life.
Just imagine how many people’s lives you’ve touched. How many footprints you’ve left behind? Maybe you did this all without even noticing. Maybe you had no idea that what you said would make a difference to anyone.
I'm grateful for those people who've either walked in and left something there, or walked in to just walk out again, because no matter what it is I know that theres a reason for it all and I'm happy our paths crossed somehow. :)
“With every life experience there is either something we're adding to it or taking from it. Appreciating every moment is the beauty in all of it.” Maybe we should all appreciate the beauty of life. I mean after all we do only live once…Maybe we should just do what
TJ says and “Take it one day at a time”
This brings me to another quote
“Everything happens for a reason” I think this is true too…
Good or bad things may happen but there’s always a reason behind it (- the incident, the situation or whatever it is that happens), its kinda tricky coz I’ve learned that at the time when we say
“WHY ME?” we might not know why they’re happening but I believe that one day we’ll know exactly why they’ve happened!
See life is funny like that! Probably just a bit annoying but things are like that because they teach us lessons. No matter how silly or dumb the reason may be, its still a reason and sometime in your life you’ll realise why and you’ll be able to put the pieces together!
Overall I guess I’ve kinda learned a lot in this little life of mine. Well not a lot but a few useful things.
So the next time you meet someone new, appreciate the moment. (only if they’re not dodgy)